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Automatic Time Table

Automatic timetable is a fully automatic school time table scheduling software

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart


ADHD is a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors. He or she may also be restless and almost constantly active. ADHD

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

Kindergarten Teaching

Training Videos for Kindergarten Heads and Teachers. Please watch.

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

Standard Operating Procedure

School of Educators has prepared Standard Operating Manuals to provide support and guidance to the managements and staffs of educational institutions. These…

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

Professional Development of Teachers

Professional development is a requirement for all teachers. Each school or district sets the required number of professional development hours for each year, or over the course of several years.

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

CBSE Board Resources for Teachers and Students

(7 customer reviews)

You can prepare and have a hands on experience to examinations by the books, pdf and training videos on : CURRICULUM MARKING SCHEME TOPPERS ANSWER SCRIPT .

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

School Affiliation

A lot of schools who apply for CBSE Affiliation are faced with issues in their affiliation Through this course they can get solved all the problems faced in afiiliation, We

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

Thriving Learners

Every individual has a unique combination of abilities and attributes that when recognized, nurtured and challenged, promote the realization of potential

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

School Handbooks

Many Handbooks available  for Teachers and Students. Schools can take help in designing rules , systems and procedures for students, parents and community

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

Foreign Languages

Foreign languages teachers aid students in learning a foreign language from the conversational level through fluency.

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart

Designing Multiple Choice Questions

Good multiple-choice questions are difficult to write. But writing good multiple-choice questions isn’t optional. Poorly written multiple-choice questions can compromise assessment data, confuse participants, and cause organizational and legal problems. This course covers some truly critical aspects of writing good multiple-choice questions so that you can start making your questions better right away.

 2,000.00  299.00 Add to cart